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Any tips for keeping containers interesting after Summer?


Any tips for keeping containers interesting after Summer?

by 8 years ago

My partner has created lots of planters using some old wood we had in the garden - at the moment they are looking rather lush with lots of different plants in them  but I'm aware apart from the Salvia we have, most of the plants won't last very long.

Does anyone have recommendations to keep them looking good for a few more months, things that are worth including going forward?

I'm including some images.

Many thanks!

8 years ago
What lovely pots! That first planter - I would be tempted to place a standard holly in the middle… and then perhaps surround it with sedum to add interest throughout autumn…. I think at this time of year it is so tedious just to think about filling with pansies. I do enjoy planning ahead for bulb planting now though, so there is something to look forward to in early spring. The feed I am using to extend my pot life is Maxicrop Organic Plant Growth Stimulant. I cannot recommend it highly enough. Also you can throw horticultural fleece over pots when the frosts return to try to hang onto them a little longer ;) Gayle
8 years ago
Thanks Gayle - enjoying your thorough answers! There's also more from Harriet Rycroft on Container Gardening - who is lovely and the font of knowledge
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Container Gardening

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8 years ago
The Harriet Rycroft course is on my wishlist!
7 years ago
Adding sedums, heathers of many varieties can bloom almost 12 months a year.

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