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Help - how and when do I prune a wisteria


Help - how and when do I prune a wisteria

by 8 years ago


I planted a wisteria about two years ago and I'm really pleased, it's had 3 beautiful flowers this year and is growing really well.  I know I'm meant to prune it, but that's all I know.  How and when should I prune it?



8 years ago
I've heard a few different opinions on this - let's see what our community says
8 years ago
I'd love to know this too! We also planted ours 2 years ago and have plenty of lush green after all this rain, no flowers yet this year. Keen to know how to best care for it.
8 years ago
To maintain trained forms and enhance flowering, wisterias must be pruned in two stages: in mid-winter and again in summer, about two months after flowering.
8 years ago
Brilliant - thanks Claudia
8 years ago
Dear Elspeth, for the best flowering, prune twice a year as Claudia already told you. Lower portions becomes tree-like with age, so, if necessary, renovate in stages by cutting back only some of the stems in the first year. Remove any thin shoots that appear near the base of the plant. I attch you an image that show you how to prune this plant properly. Hope this could help you. Deepthi
8 years ago
This is incredibly helpful, thank you so much. I'd better get pruning soon I think
8 years ago
Hi Fiona Sorry I have only just seen this as I have not really clicked on the community section of MGS before. I was recently on the course "Climbers and Clematis Expert" by Pip Bensley and found it utterly fascinating. Pip advised that there are 2 types of Wisteria which twist in different directions. The sinesis from China twists in a clockwise direction, and the floribunda from Japan twists in an anticlockwise direction. There was lots of pruning advice on the course which I cannot recommend enough. This link might be helpful to you.… Gayle

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