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old miniature rose


old miniature rose

by 8 years ago

I have a rose that has been handed down to me it was as far as I know my Great Great grandfather's I don't really know how to look after it and could do with some tips it's about 3ft high  and produces many flowers which smell beautiful strong fragranxe, from late spring until now it still has lots of flowers I would like some tips on A. How to look after it keep it healthy I can take successful cuttings many have tried and failed! C. Is there anything else out there exactly like it ! 

8 years ago
Hi Charlotte I wonder if your rose is in a pot or in the ground? In either case feeding twice a year, in spring and again in summer soon after the first flush of flowers is really important. Use a rose fertiliser and remember to keep it well watered. Prune lightly in winter. Cut out any dead or damaged twigs and shorten some of the shoots, cutting back to just above a bud =- outward facing if possible to promote a nice open shape. Try taking hardwood cuttings in the winter. In other words lengths of stem without leaves. Just push these vertically into a pot of soil and keep moist - they should produce roots by spring. To give you ideas of what else is out there like it can you post a picture? I was going to suggest a rose called 'The Fairy' but it flowers later in the season.

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