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Trees in Pots


Trees in Pots

by 8 years ago

I cannot decide which trees to use as the centrepiece of four large pots lining the entrance to our apartment building. The site is open, sunny, exposed and subject to cold winds in winter. I have thought of multi stemmed Sorbus koehniana or Arbutus unedo, but will they be able to take the wind? I plan to underplant them with low-growing Festuca and Sesleria grasses. Has anybody experience with these two or perhaps a better suggestion?

8 years ago
Hi Michael - of these two I would probably go for the sorbus, although in the UK this can be tricky to find, especially as a good multi-stem. The other one I really like is Sorbus vilmorinii which is ideal for this situation: pretty fern-like foliage and rose pink fruits that persist long after the leaves have fallen. Arbutus could work - especially if you find the cultivar 'Atlantic' which fruits and flowers well as a young plant. If the lower branchlets are stripped you get the benefit of cinnamon stems. Arbutus can suffer from leaf spot which shouldn't be a problem with good air circulation. I've recently used them in a roof garden in London which is quite exposed - they look great but haven't done a winter yet!
8 years ago
Andy McIndoe has written an acclaimed book on choosing trees, as well as being Managing Director of Hillier's Nurseries - Hillier Nurseries Limited is the largest grower of trees, both field and container grown, in the UK and one of the largest in Europe - particularly noted for their semi-mature trees.
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Andy McIndoe
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How to choose & plant trees and what best to grow with them

8 years ago
Thanks Andy, Yes, Sorbus vilmorinii is also easier to get hold of here in the Netherlands and I am sure will cope with our exposed site. I grow Arbutus in my garden without any problems and it is really my first choice for this prominent site, but it is the wind that worries me.

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