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Weed free garden


Weed free garden

by 7 years ago
7 years ago
How do I keep a weed free garden the thistles are a problem
7 years ago
How often do I water my garden I have potatoes carrots and squash n tomatoes
7 years ago
In answer to your question about watering please tell me first where you are and are they all growing outside? But the easy answer is to simply try to assess how dry the soil is by digging down a few inches/centimetres. Always important to water deeply rather than giving small amounts. As to weeds thistles are perennials and deep rooted so cutting the tops off will only work if you are very regularly. Best to try and dig down deeply to get as much root out as possible. Never allow weeds to go to seed and try not to disturb the soil too much the more you do that the more you'll bring up a fresh crop of seeds. Weeding doesn't take long and I always find it very satisfying
7 years ago
Hi my garden is outdoors I live in cold lake Alberta Canada
7 years ago
My cucumbers did not catch at all
7 years ago
So I guess pretty hot in the Summer do you'll need to water quite frequently but I what I said before still applies
7 years ago
Maybe your cucumber seeds were too old or perhaps the slugs or snails got them

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